It’s May! Let’s Set Some Goals

Happy May! I love the start of a new month. I always feel like it’s a chance to completely reset my life, and to reflect on what’s been working or not working for me. One of the best ways for me to get the most out of every day is to set goals. I’m one of those people who loves lists, so anything that involves checking off boxes or making small achievements gives me the best feeling!

Today I’m going to share some of my May goals with all of you, reflecting on the past month and where I want to be one month from now. I will also give some tips on how to set a goal, and why you should even do so!

My Goals:


Why Should You Set Goals?
First of all, the most successful people (however you may define that) are goal setters. If you want to “be like them,” you’re best off following the same steps they took to get there! Whether it’s athletics, business success, or simply developing a habit, you’re best chance of getting what you want depends on how well you plan your goal.
Goal setting allows you to envision what you want, and motivate you to get there. Proper goal setting allows you to better organize your time and resources to make the process not only easier, but fun, too! There’s no better feeling than watching study progress, boosting your confidence along the way.

How to Set a Goal:


Setting the goal is only the first part. Without a plan of action, a goal is just a dream! Make your dream reality but creating a list of smaller goals and actions that will carry you on your way to your final destination. Start with a broad To-Do list that encompasses the next few years. Then, break that down into smaller and smaller time intervals until you know exactly what you need to do today or this week to get started! Look back at these intervals frequently to remind yourself what you have accomplished, and what you need to do next.

When creating your goal, be SMART! What does that mean? It means make your goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. If you’re too vague or unrealistic, the chances of achieving your goal are slim. Give yourself a deadline. Use specific (and positive) language when writing down your goal. Grab some colorful pens and get started

Last step: hold yourself accountable! This may include telling friends or family about your goal, posting your progress on social media, journaling, keeping to-do lists, or hanging a note with your goal on your mirror. Make the steps towards achieving your goal a habit, prioritize the little steps, and I promise you will get there!

One more thing I would like to mention: goals are great only up to a certain point. If you let one goal become your life, rather than just a part of it, the relationships and other opportunities in your life will suffer. You may think you’ll be happier once you have achieved your goal, but this is not true if you’re not already happy. You want to make every step enjoyable, even if it’s not easy. Be thankful for your current situation, the friends. you have, and that every day the sun rises again. If you can do that, you can move forward closer to your goal out of self-love, not hate for your current status.

What are your May goals? Do you have any tips on how to set and achieve goals? Let me know in the comments. 🙂


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